Dr. Kermani is a General Dentist in Chilliwack.
Dr. Tuzar Kermani
General Dentist
Dr. Kermani
Dr. Tuzar Kermani has been practicing general dentistry for over 7 years, providing comprehensive dental care with a focus on same-day emergency care and implant treatments.
Committed to staying at the forefront of advancements in the field, Dr. Kermani actively pursues ongoing education to ensure that his patients receive the latest and most effective treatments available. His passion for learning extends beyond the clinic, as he dedicates time to continuing dental education, staying informed about the evolving landscape of dentistry.
Dr. Kermani values the relationships he builds with his patients and is known for his compassionate care and gentle approach.
Outside of the dental realm, Dr. Kermani finds joy in exploring new destinations through travel and maintaining a healthy lifestyle by incorporating regular workouts into his routine.